Friday, September 28, 2007

New Rushes

I guess my life has come to some sort of standstill - despite wedding plans and an exhausting job. So, I am looking for new rushes. Just like the ones you got when you discovered that alcohol has an influence on you. Or when you went on vacation for the first time without your parents. Or when you, without trying, managed to construct a near-to-perfect-sentence in that foreign language you'd been struggling with for years.

But all rushes come to an end. Having wine is nice but not exciting anymore. I go on vacation without my parents all the time, and as for my foreign languages, I have reached a point where I don't progress anymore.

Therefore, my new rush consists of eating grapes while taking a shower.

It provokes a very strange mix of feelings: like something is completely wrong. Water is running over your head and yet you're chewing.

Eating in the bath is normal, but in the shower.. no. It's so utterly against your normal habits.

When this one doesn't do it for me anymore, I'll try a sandwich. With cheese. Or a cup of tea.


Unknown said...

Brilliant. I am laughing out loud. J

Andy Channelle said...

There are lots of things I could suggest, but most of them would be rude, and as you're almost a married woman, you wouldn't be able to do those kind of things anyway.
Now wine in the shower? That's cool.